Nimsha and Soki share their experiences of learning English and making new friends.
When you don’t know what it’s like to work as a NZ policeman or to run a Kiwi business, it helps to hear straight from…
ELP North Shore's English class have enjoyed a busy day of zero waste activities…
Thursday afternoon is when our Palmerston North learners head off enthusiastically to the UCOL computer lab…
Each week, over 1,200 ELPNZ volunteers visit the homes of refugee-background and migrant learners to help with English…
For Thang Shalom Innkuan, brushing up his English has brought benefits at work and home. Thang, who grew up…
Viet Doan Do says boosting his English skills through the English for Employees course helped him master the langua…
Teacher Kathy Ombler, third left, with learners and course guest speakers All the ‘Ps’ and more on a Kiwiana course…
Porirua City Council really ‘get’ diversity! They’re working hard at building inclusion to ensure all voices are repres…
Marina Vrecic with James McCulloch, CE, ELPNZ Marina Vrecic is celebrating 20 years with English Language Partners…
Out of class’ adventures are a terrific way to practise and consolidate English learnt in class. Plus, they’re heaps of…
During New Zealand's COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, ELPNZ’s centres continued teaching all students by changing…
Through 20 years’ teaching two Lebanese Kiwis, David Horne made long-standing friends and added Arabic to the…
A woman’s conversation and wellbeing group has opened doors for new Kiwi women living in Porirua. The group…
An English Language Partners’ course is helping migrants on the first step towards getting work driving a truck…
Palmerston North’s annual Festival of Cultures celebrates the city’s amazing, growing diversity. Over the Festival week…
Our Rotorua centre's ‘hands on' language-learning classes are based on the concept, ‘Where the hands go, the mind…
English Language Partners (ELP) joins Race Relations Day events to celebrate our multicultural Aotearoa New Zealand…
Making the most of a warm and sunny February, our Hutt centre ventured out to bring language to life and life to langua…
Our Hutt centre’s ESOL literacy classes visit to Matiu-Sommes Island was a great opportunity to take learning outside…
You can't beat Wellington on a good day! Our Wellington centre’s ESOL Intensive class headed to Te Papa museum…
Helen Knott is one of our wonderful volunteers! She trained in October 2020 and has been working with learner Bawi Zi…
After seven months in their new home, our Christchurch centre was finally able to hold an official opening part…
Did you know Aotearoa's five most common languages are English, te reo Māori, Samoan, Mandarin and Hindi…
ESOL learners signed up to find the answer to this perplexing question on English Language Partners’ Kiwiana course…
A recent summer course at English Language Partners Wellington enjoyed a creative four weeks with a focus on English…
Expressing her culture through dance is just the latest in many life achievements for this Chinese-Kiwi superwoman…