Privacy Policy

English Language Partners is collecting and holding your personal information for the purposes of:

A. complying with the requirements of the Education and Training Act 2020, and complying with legislation relating to the maintenance of records; and
B. supplying information to government agencies and other organisations as listed below; and we may disclose your personal information to the following government agencies:
a)     Tertiary Education Commission;
b)     Ministry of Education;
c)     New Zealand Qualifications Authority;
d)     Ministry of Social Development;
e)     Inland Revenue;
f)      Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, including Immigration New Zealand;
g)     when required by law, New Zealand Police, Department of Justice, and the Accident Compensation Corporation;

and those government agencies may use your personal information to:

1)     administer the tertiary education system ,including allocating funding and the administration of the Fees Free schemes;
2)     develop policy advice for government;
3)     conduct statistical analysis and research;
4)     update the New Zealand Record of Achievement;
include in the National Student Index or use in an authorised information matching programme with the New Zealand Birth Register;
5)     include in the National Student Index or use in an authorised information matching programme with the New Zealand Birth Register;
6)     fulfil their statutory responsibilities;
7)     supply it to Statistics New Zealand to beintegrated in Statistics New Zealand's Integrated Data Infrastructure.

Contact the Privacy Officer


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If you wish to reproduce any part of this website, you will need to obtain written permission.


Every reasonable effort has been made to maintain current and accurate information on this site. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Where appropriate external links have been provided for the user’s convenience. English Language Partners New Zealand does not accept any responsibility for the content or condition of any external links on this site.