Learners from English Language Partners participated in the Whangārei Fringe Festival, reading stories to children in a range of languages.
On Tuesday 19th November, Naenae Intermediate School’s Hauora Leaders organised a Bake Sale to support the Lower Hutt Centre of English Language Partners.
Congrats to English Language Partners teacher Jan and learner Viktoriya for being honoured at the Festival of Adult Learning event in Christchurch.
An adventure from Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland to Kirikiriroa Hamilton helps ELP's learners live and travel more independently in Aotearoa.
Celebrating diversity and unity, our Palmerston North centre joined Unity Week's 2023 events.
A visit from Governor General Dame Cindy Kiro to English Language Partners Aoraki was a great opportunity for ELP's staff, volunteers and learners to talk about ELP's work welcoming former refugees into Aotearoa.
ELP is delighted to welcome Rachel O’Connor as Chief Executive from 12 September 2022.
Compelled by the Christchurch mosque attacks to do something tangible to help NZ's newest citizens, The Comfort Project chose to support ELP's people and work.
Matariki gave English Language Partners (ELP) centres the chance to celebrate with whānau and friends, to share kai, and to kōrero about the people and things they're grateful for. And it's our newest public holiday too!
Dr Arif Ali manages two of ELP’s busy centres: Hutt and Porirua. Born in Quetta, Pakistan, Arif is a Hazara who fled after a terrorist attack on his work bus killed friends and students. We're delighted to share Arif's story.
Viva Shao, English Language Partners’ super-suberb programme administrator, says it’s vital to keep Chinese language alive and thriving in New Zealand.
This Wellington class had many interesting ‘outside the classroom’ experiences this term! They visited the Supreme Cour…
“I’m doing what I love and what I am passionate about.” Farzana Nazreen Nisha’s connections with English Language…
Sue Blakely, QSM, is one hugely committed English Language Partners’ teacher. For over 20 years, Sue has supported…
When you don’t know what it’s like to work as a NZ policeman or to run a Kiwi business, it helps to hear straight from…
ELP North Shore's English class have enjoyed a busy day of zero waste activities…
For Thang Shalom Innkuan, brushing up his English has brought benefits at work and home. Thang, who grew up…
Porirua City Council really ‘get’ diversity! They’re working hard at building inclusion to ensure all voices are repres…
During New Zealand's COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, ELPNZ’s centres continued teaching all students by changing…
Through 20 years’ teaching two Lebanese Kiwis, David Horne made long-standing friends and added Arabic to the…
ESOL learners signed up to find the answer to this perplexing question on English Language Partners’ Kiwiana course…
A recent summer course at English Language Partners Wellington enjoyed a creative four weeks with a focus on English…
Meg Melvin is a professional sketch-noter who came to visit English Language Partners Wellington’s Summer holiday…
A job in beekeeping and desire for a better life and environment in which to raise their daughters were the impetus…
The Board of English Language Partners New Zealand is delighted to announce the appointment of James McCulloch as Chief Executive from 7 December 2020.
Another great bunch of ELP's graduates are celebrating their success. Nine people in this ‘Professional Speaking…
Te Kawau stream runs through a large part of the north and western suburbs of Palmerston North City. It was an…
Flexibility and adaptability are the key ingredients to ELP’s success, says former CE Nicola Sutton. Ms Sutton…
“How many syllables does referendum have?” “In my opinion, too many, teacher!” Yes, ‘Election speaking' can be…
Chief Executive Nicola Sutton knows English Language Partners (ELP) inside out. Nicola started with ELP in 1993…
Nicola Sutton, Chief Executive | English Language Partners New Zealand Having more time to educate and support…
Ha Hoang recently gained her PhD. She teaches for our Wellington centre who are SO proud of her achievement…
Thu Hoang Nguyen wrote about her trip for her online course ‘Reading and Writing for Academic Skills'. She's enrolling…
Courier services were busy when lockdown kicked in. Teachers joined the trend – delivering English work to learners…
Nicola Sutton, Chief Executive | English Language Partners New Zealand ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’…
Free travel and tickets inspired a ‘post-Covid lockdown’ trip to the capital Two English Language Partners Palmerston…
My story begins on 23 March 2020, with an announcement from New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern…
English Language Partners’ learners are excited to meet up in person again finally! Face-to-face learning is happening…
Lynn Ding says it’s been a new experience teaching online classes via two platforms – WeChat and Zoom. “It makes…
With seven children and a husband in the family bubble, Cho Aye Than Aye isn’t short of things to do during lockdown…
Jacqs Wilton, ELP Porirua manager, reflects on her centre’s speedy move to online learning. Since New Zealand moved…
Anna Abbey teaches in a virtual classroom for English Language Partners’ (ELP) Wellington centre
Here’s a wonderful account from our volunteer of a learning partnership from better times until now … and still going…
Learning hasn’t stopped at English Language Partners. As get-togethers in person aren't possible, where possible, we've gone online.
CE Nicola Sutton from ELPNZ, reflects on 2020's Year of Lifelong Learning
Celebrating a huge year of hard work and achievements It was a beautiful sunny day for our Wellington centre’s…
“The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.” Mahatma Gandhi.
Congratulations! All on our Hutt centre’s recent ‘Professional Speaking for Migrants’ have just passed the Speech…
A Nelson initiative is helping former refugees and migrants navigate their way through the complicated systems of New Zealand society.
English Language Partners North Shore likes to put on events to encourage learners and their families to interact…
Loneliness kills Nicola Sutton, Chief Executive | English Language Partners New Zealand “Loneliness kills…
“Whiria te tangata – weaving the people together” is National Volunteer Week’s 2019 theme. So we're celebrating…
“His empathy towards victims, I imagine, is birthed out of his own challenges and trials in El Salvador,” Inspector…
Growing up in El Salvador, Eric Alvarez dreamt of becoming a police officer.
A ‘happy accident’ led to Gerald and Maricel Dailisan moving to New Zealand, to bring in-demand skills to the dairy industry.
Talking to children, as much as you can, in any language, is important, and the first three years are vital; when children’s brains are forming.
Joanne’s written with news about exciting work developments since she featured in our Connecting Cultures journal…
What an honour for three of our Porirua centre learners! Asaid Eshaq, Sediqa Amini and Nicole Wang feature in More…
In the aftermath of the terrible events in Christchurch, many people wanted to help and were not sure the best way to do it.
“We are devastated by the horrific terrorist attacks on the Muslim community in Christchurch,” said David Bromell…
It's International Mother Language Day on the 21st February. 2019 is also International Year of Indigenous Languages…
[Link to download poster at end of blog] New Zealand’s population is fast becoming more and more ethnically diverse…
Whanganui writer and English Language Partners’ ESOL home tutor Rachel Rose was finding little to be cheerful about as 2018 wound down, with a cascade of bad news on local and international fronts.
Forty per cent of Auckland residents were born outside New Zealand. Other regions also have growing numbers of migrants and former refugees, many whose first language is other than English.
Dunedin's strong support for refugees was praised yesterday but some older refugees still faced a "language barrier”…
Victoria Ioffik is a Kiwi from Belarus. On this special day, she’s sharing her thoughts about New Zealand as a migrant…
The Porirua City Council (PCC) is keen to engage all members of its communities in its 30-year Growth Strategy Plan…
Newcomers to the Nelson-Richmond area such as former refugees and other migrants don't always know where…
On the Fast Track: learner > volunteer > qualified ECE employee in 18 months. Ardua came to Aotearoa New Zealand…
While New Zealand’s welcome for refugees is warm, our nation’s employers are less inclusive when it comes to…
It’s not easy to begin a new life in a country that’s vastly different from your own, and some migrants also face the challenge of overcoming the initial language barrier.
English Language Partners New Zealand (ELPNZ) has recently appointed Dr David Bromell to the position of Board…
A word from our CE on International Volunteer Day.
Adult Learners’ Week - celebrating all adult learning whether it’s upskilling for a better job, preparing for further study, improving life skills or having fun.
We all belong in Aotearoa | New Zealand' is the inspiration for a poster reflecting our multicultural nation. The desig…