Learners in Nelson embarked on memorable canoe trips with the Wilderness Canoe Trust.
Sun Lyoung Kim gave a keynote address at our regions' 2017 event.
Auckland company Thermakraft finds workplace English lessons decrease the risk of damage to expensive equipment and make the factory safer for workers.
Training as an English Language Partners’ certificated ESOL home tutor proved the ideal way to balance Ashok Bhat’s volunteering and work life.
Nancy Rounthwaite’s learners want to learn how to live and work successfully in New Zealand.
A major survey of English Language Partners’ ESOL home tutors, past and current, has found this programme adds significant value to both learners’ and volunteers’ lives.
English Language Partners is one of five national organisations calling for more support to improve workplace…
Business owner Paul Brockie has been impressed with the skills of his Burmese staff, but says their English…
The help Yulia Panfylov received from English Language Partners was invaluable in landing her a job with Palmerston North City Council.
When he came to New Zealand, Yaro Panfylov couldn't speak English. It was in Poland that he began to work…
A student on our latest workplace English course, Nikbakht Danish, was recently awarded the Outstanding Adult learner award from Wintec’s Centre for Languages.
A word from our CE on International Volunteer Day.
This year we celebrated 40 years of both literacy and language assistance to the community in Tauranga/Western BOP.
Welcome to our latest graduates from our Tutor Training courses around Aotearoa New Zealand.
The ELPNZ Porirua centre offers the "New Zealand Certificate in English Language" course as part of it's syllabus.
Adult Learners’ Week - celebrating all adult learning whether it’s upskilling for a better job, preparing for further study, improving life skills or having fun.
Each week, in a modest suburban home, English Language Partners brings three cultures together.
Teck Chai Liu (TC) and family arrived last year from Malaysia, drawn by our famous landscapes and quality of life.
As each graduate walks up to accept their certificate, you can feel the enormity of their achievement.
We all belong in Aotearoa | New Zealand' is the inspiration for a poster reflecting our multicultural nation. The desig…
English Language Partners is very proud to share writings from our former-refugee learners, now safe and supported here in New Zealand.
The Palmerston North ESOL Literacy group have generously shared their writing pieces for World Refugee Day…
For refugees and migrants arriving with little English, daily life can be scary. Luckily, our volunteers are here to help.
Although Sandy Fraser migrated to New Zealand from South Africa almost 23 years ago, she still remembers the challenges in settling into a new home.
It’s a little-known fact, but Dunedin used to resettle refugees, taking in Cambodian refugees after the Khmer Rouge came into power in the 1970s.
In this part of the country, more than 200,000 cows are milked, fed and cared for each day by Kiwis, as well as by a growing group of skilled migrants.
Mark Sanders (above left) owns a small cabinetmaking business and says that he considers himself fortunate to have a former refugee working for him.