Nimsha and Soki share their experiences of learning English and making new friends.
English Language Partners' learner Firas Shagouri embarks on a pathway to employment Firas, of Syrian origin…
Wellington centre learners became volunteers for a day in summer – just before classes finished. Their teacher Ruth…
When coming to live in a new country, it takes time to settle, not only to learn English but also to learn about Kiwi traditions at certain times of the year.
Leo came to New Zealand early this year and studied in our Taranaki centre English for Employees Programme (E4E)…
Jill Chivers has been helping Anita as an ESOL home tutor since February 2017 Jill carries the oldest volunteer number…
MANATESOL workshop at English Language Partners Taranaki shares professional knowledge. – By Dana Taylor…
Taranaki-based Leta Guranda is originally from Romania. She shares her personal thoughts on migration on International…
Taranaki-based Doris Ryder is originally from Taiwan. She's sharing her considerable 2018 achievements with us on…
Workplace English Teacher takes small group of dedicated learners through all aspects of the NZ job market with great results.
The learners from English Language Partners Auckland West have come together to donate food to Kiwis for Christmas…
Forty per cent of Auckland residents were born outside New Zealand. Other regions also have growing numbers of migrants and former refugees, many whose first language is other than English.
Ngā mihi o te wā – season’s greetings Former refugees and migrants are typically hard-working and highly-motivated.
Dunedin's strong support for refugees was praised yesterday but some older refugees still faced a "language barrier”…
Victoria Ioffik is a Kiwi from Belarus. On this special day, she’s sharing her thoughts about New Zealand as a migrant…
English Language Partners learners often head out on class outings to practice their English skills. These outings are…
The Porirua City Council (PCC) is keen to engage all members of its communities in its 30-year Growth Strategy Plan…
Auckland Central manager Eve Price ran a cultural competency workshop - what culture is, what features we share, and what features set us apart.
During National Volunteer Week, Volunteering Canterbury (Volcan) with Te Runaka ki Otautahi o Kai Tahu presented awards to recognise outstanding efforts and achievements by volunteers.
Wendy Dore has been volunteering with ELP Christchurch since she trained as an ESOL Home Tutor in May 2017…
English Language Partners learners from our Palmerston North centre participate in the community. ELP Palmerston…
Marcela and Ana are from South America and joined English Language Partners' English for Employees class this year…
Once a month, XLam staff gather outside for barbecue day. ‘‘We all eat lunch together, like family,” says Dan McKean.
The Job Mentoring Service is unique to English Language Partners Wellington Centre.
You don’t have to speak English perfectly to be fluent… but it helps if you know which mistakes to make.
Do you explain something or give instructions only to find half an hour later, that no one is doing what you asked?
Our learner Takako shares her thoughts on learning English with ELP Wellington. My name is Takako. I'm from Japan…